Le mercredi 25 juin 2014 à 20 h / Place des Arts
Billets en vente aux guichets de la Place des Arts
Commande téléphonique: 1 866 842-2112
Commandez en ligne: www.evenko.ca ou www.laplacedesarts.com
Billet: 54,50$ / 71$ / 86$ (ncluant taxes et frais de service)
*Limite de 6 billets par personne
Suite à sa performance mémorable à Osheaga en août dernier, Beck sera de retour à Montréal pour nous présenter les pièces de son plus récent album intitulé Morning Phase, sorti le 25 février dernier.
En plus d’avoir la chance d’entendre »live » pour la première fois les chansons de son nouvel album qui a été presque immédiatement salué par la critique, on aura l’opportunité de voir Beck sur scène. Ceux qui ont déjà assisté à l’un de ses concerts savent que c’est un »must », tout comme les journalistes qui l’ont louangé pour ses spectacles en 2013 :
“Electrifying… another example of a Beck show that was so good, so special, that if you missed it, you simply missed it. It probably won’t go down like that again.”- THE BOSTON GLOBE
“It seemed downright perverse that a show this good only received two performances — the band had played Boston a couple of nights earlier — but then again, Beck has made a specialty, and a great success, of defying expectations and playing by his own rules.”-THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER
“More like a 20 year retrospective on one of the most important artists of our generation rather than just a typical concert… As soon as the first few notes of ‘Devil’s Haircut’ hummed through the speakers, it was as if someone fired a gun in the air. Everyone’s attention was drawn to the stage and it pretty much stayed there for the next two hours.”-THE VILLAGE VOICE
“Defying music-business logic is one of the Californian’s areas or expertise, but it’s also the reason he commands such a devout following, even after more than two decades… and boy, has he covered a lot of ground up to now.”-THE NEW YORK POST
Live 2014
Nouvelles dates en gras
04/09/14 – Santa Barbara, CA – Arlington Theatre
04/13/14 – Indio, CA – Coachella
04/20/14 – Indio, CA – Coachella
04/23/14 – Tucson, AZ – Rialto Theater
04/24/14 – El Paso, TX – Abraham Chavez Theatre
04/26/14 – Dallas, TX – Edgefest 24
06/19/14 – Cleveland, OH – State Theatre
06/20/14 – Columbus, OH – LC Pavilion
06/19-22/14 – Dover, DE – Firefly Festival
06/24/14 – North Adams, MA – Mass MOCA
06/25/14 – Montréal, QC – Place des Arts
06/27/14 – Toronto, ON – Sony Centre
06/28/14 – Detroit, MI – Fox Theatre
07/01/14 – New York, NY – Central Park Summerstage
07/18/14 – Chicago, IL – Pitchfork Festival
07/18-20/14 – Louisville, KY – Forecastle Festival
À propos de Beck, visitez: